
What Are the Risks of Poor-Fitting Dentures? – Philadelphia, PA

What Are the Risks of Poor-Fitting Dentures? – Philadelphia, PA

Dentures are everyone’s reliable teeth replacement device. The prostheses are made up of artificial gums and teeth from different materials. This traditional restorative device can function like natural teeth – but only if fitted properly. Loose-fitting dentures do not just compromise the wearer’s day-to-day activity, but also impacts their overall oral health.

Denture stabilization is made available in many dental clinics nowadays, including us at Northeast Dental Center. It is a procedure that eliminates wobbly dentures through the use of implants. Patients who have a healthy jaw bone are good candidates for denture stabilization. As mentioned above, loose or poor-fitting dentures may result in complications, so we highly advise wearers to secure their prostheses using dental implants.


The Dangers Of Poor-Fitting Dentures

Jaw Joint Alteration

The person’s bite will be most affected by unstable or poor-fitting dentures. People with malocclusions will notice some changes in the jaw joints. Any alterations in the jaw joint lead to other conditions like headaches, joint pain, and swollen face or neck.

Eating Difficulty

It is painful to eat with dentures that do not fit snugly. In fact, denture wearers sometimes tend to avoid eating the foods that they love and switch them instead with those that are easier to chew. They no longer incorporate healthy and fibrous vegetables in their diet. Meat, seeds, or nuts are even excluded, making them miss the necessary nutrition that their general health needs.

Irritations in the gums, mouth, and soft tissues

Loose dentures can inevitably rub against the gums and other portions of the mouth. Swelling, inflammation, and infection are more likely to occur as a result.

Bone loss

It is possible for jaw bone atrophy to take place with dentures. Since the bone in the jaw cannot produce its own bone tissues. Due to this, the constant wear and tear of the jaw bone will allow resorption to happen over time. A person can stop this from happening in the long run if they will invest in a denture stabilization procedure.

For more information about Denture Stabilization in Philadelphia, PA, be sure to contact Northeast Dental Center today. Our entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best possible dental health results. Visit us at 10847 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19116 to get started on your new smile!