Your smile is your most important feature and at Northeast Dental Center, we offer every possible solution to keep your smile beautiful. Most smile correction options would require a firm commitment from a patient in terms of effort, money and time. For those who want a quick solution to their smile problem, Snap-On Smile is the perfect option.
A celebrity-like smile could be an expensive and time-consuming proposition. Because not everyone can afford the time and money required for most cosmetic dental procedures, an instant solution for smile correction is now available.
Built after extensive research and development, Snap-On Smile is a device that you can “Snap” to the front of your teeth to cover imperfections. Wearing this is similar to wearing a cap on your head. People who have normal looking teeth also use Snap-On Smiles to make their smile even better.
Snap-on Smile is manufactured using a specially formulated resin, whose unique composition allows the device to be incredibly strong, despite being extremely thin. It fits right over your front teeth to give you the perfect smile.
A Snap-On Smile covers all the imperfections of your teeth including stains, gaps, chips, crooked teeth and even missing teeth. The best part is that you do not have to take the device off while eating or drinking.
Snap-On Smiles are ideal for those who are not suitable candidates for dental implants and bridges. It is also the best option for those who are not ready for permanent dental cosmetic surgery. If you are looking for a comfortable and attractive replacement for your partial dentures, then you can opt for Snap-On Smile.
With the Snap-on Smile, you have a quick, easy and affordable solution for a beautiful smile, in just a snap!
When you walk into our Northeast clinic for smile improvement solutions, we offer you several options. Our staff will advise you on what shade and style of Snap-On Smile will be best suited for your teeth. We then take measurements of your mouth and teeth, so that the device can be created for you accordingly.
In a matter of a few weeks, your custom Snap-On smile will be ready. We give you a final fitting before you leave our clinic with a lovely smile.
Getting a Snap-On smile does not require drilling, shots or any other preparation. It is an easy and affordable way to get a good-looking smile.
Looking for an affordable, quick and painless solution for smile correction? Call Northeast Dental Center at (267) 703-6347 and our experts will evaluate whether a Snap-On smile could be the solution to your problem. We understand the value of your smile and make sure we provide you the best and latest solutions to keep it intact.